b'In 1973, Richard Hensley loaned Bill a shovel and rake that got our landscape and nursery company started. Richard loved building community and believed in giving others a hand up in life. He gave of himself wherever he was, whenever he could. He believed in the spirit of community and serving those in need. He has touched many people and changed many lives through his thoughts and actions.1938 - 2014 a dd Morel ife& C olor to thew orldItem #C ommonn ame Seed SunlightItem #C ommonn ameHabit Blm HeightBloomSoil Type Sunlight Habit Blm HeightBloomSoil Type Botanical Name Count Clr Time Sand Loam Clay Caliche Sun . ShadeBotanical NameClr Time Sand Loam Clay Caliche Sun . Shadea meriCanb eautyberry F our -W ingS altbuShP Pp 3 - 4\'May-Jul wbl 3209Shrub Yw3 - 8Apr-Octw3 05 1Callicarpa americana Atriplex canescens a meriCanP okeWeed F roStWeedPhytolacca americana Verbesina virginica3 189 PRd 6-12\'Jul-Octwbl 3062P Wt3 - 6\'Aug-Novwbl3065 b arbara \' Sb uttonS g oldend alea P W t8 - 18"Apr-Jun Xw 3057XMarshallia caespitosaDalea aureaPYw 1 - 2Jun-Jul3155b eardtongue g reenl ilyPenstemon laxiflorus PPk 1 - 2\'Mar-JunX w 3154 Schoenocaulon texanum Xw PGr 1 - 2\'Apr-May3111 b ergamot g ulFC oaStP enStemon PPp 1 - 3\'May-Julwb 3114P P18"Mar-May X wbMonardafistulosa X Penstemon tenuis b luem iStFloWerP Bl1 - 3\'Jul-NovX wbl ooker \' Se ryngoAPpl1 - 2\' Jul-SepXw 3173 3190hConoclinium coelestinum Eryngium hookeri b uFFalog ourd J imSonW eed 3161 PYwvineMay-Sep X w3063P Wt 2 - 3\'Apr-Oct Cucurbita foetidissima Datura inoxia XC ardinalF loWer l imeStoneg aura 3095 PRd1 - 4\'Jul-Octwb 3096 P Rd1 - 2\' May-JunLobelia cardinalis X Gaura calcicola XC oWPend aiSy - special harvest offers $3 packets, see page 65 l indheimer \' Si ndigo3054 Verbesina encelioidesA Yw1- 4\'Apr-Oct Xwb3186Indigofera lindheimerianaShrubPk 1 - 5\'May-Aug Xw C roWP oiSon TEMPO OUT l yre -l eaFS age 3150 PWt 4 - 12"Sprg,Fall 3157 P Bl 1 - 2\'Mar-JunXw bNothoscordum bivalve X Salvia lyrata C utleaFe veningP rimroSe m arShe lder - good for quail, ask for larger quantities 3137 Oenothera laciniata AYw 2 - 10"Mar-Oct X w1034Iva annua AG to 8\'Jul-Nov X w d evilSC laW m ealyb lueS age3145 A Pp1 - 2\' Jun-Sep X 10 27 PPpl1 - 3Apr-Nov wProboscidea louisianica Salvia farinacea Xd iamondP etalP rimroSe m ormont ea 1012AYw 1 - 3\' May-Junw3 153ShrubG to 3\'Mar-May wOenothera rhombipetala XEphedra antisyphyliticaXd rummondP hlox ountainP inkS3059 A Pink6-18 Mar-JunXw b3055m APk4 - 12"May-Jul wPhlox drummondiiCentaurium beyrichii X1017 e ryngo 308 P aSSionFloWer P Ppl VineMay-AugXwbEryngium leavenworthiiAPp 2- 3\' Aug-Nov Xw 7 Passiflora incarnata Carol Clark Carol Clarkd ruMMondP hlox B lueM iStflower f roStweed M ountainP inkS S hinyg oldenrodCarol Clarky ellowP uff B lueC urlS M ealyB lueS age t urk \' SC aP P urPleM ilkweedv ine70n ativEa MEricanS EEd'