b"Open YOUR windowh uMMerS& S ingerSM ix tMWith 30 years of gathering seeds and studying nature, we've found our winged friends appreciate the diversity in this mix. Songbirds and hummingbirds use these plants as a food source, nesting materials and cover. Select a sunny space and enjoy. American Basketflower Lemon MintAnnual Winecup Maximilian SunflowerBlack-Eyed Susan Purple ConeflowerBush Sunflower Purple Prairie CloverButterfly Weed Scarlet SageCutleaf Daisy Standing CypressFoxglove Mealy Blue SageGayfeather Partridge PeaIllinois Bundleflower Pink Evening PrimroseGreenthreadHummers & Singers Item #4503Rangeland Seeding Rate 15 lbs / acreLawn & Garden Seeding 1 lb / 700 sf$3 pkt $26 d-pak$47 / lb20 sf 200 sf46n ativEa MEricanS EEd 325 446 3600 Order Onlinewww47Order Onlinewww .seedsource .seedsource .com .com"