b"WILDFLOWERSC lasPingC oneflowerDracopis amplexicaulis Very easy to grow. Often found along drainages or bottomland farm fields when left fallow after cultivation.Clasping Coneflower is named for the way the base of the leaves clasp themselves around the stem of the plant.Grows from Georgia to Texas.annual seeding ratebloom: Apr - June Rangeland 3 lb per acreheight 1 - 2' Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 8000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeXwMedium-MoistItem # 1013 1 lb $191/4 lb $8 1 oz $51 pkt $3 2000 sf 500 sf20 sfC oMMons unflowerHelianthus annuusApatch of these sunflowers in your flower bed will be a welcome site to numerous birds and butterflies offering you hours ofbeauty and wonder. Can be also planted in fields for dove, quail and songbirds to use as food. A favorite of the American Goldfinch. The young sprouts are perty tasty on salads for humans too!annual seeding ratebloom: May - Oct Rangeland 5 lb per acreheight 2 - 8' Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 1000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeXwMoistItem # 1028 1 lb $171/4 lb $81 oz $5 1 pkt $3 250 sf60 sf20 sfC owPend aisy Verbesina encelioidesAlso known as Golden Crownbeard, the Cowpen Daisy is an annual that loves sandy and disturbed soils. It has many branches covered with large yellow blooms. It is one of the larva food plants of the bordered patch butterfly and is extremely drought tolerant.annualseeding ratebloom AprOctItem #3054 Pkt covers 20 sq ftheight 14'D-Pak covers 200 sq ftSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeXwbDry-Med-Moist D-Pak $29 1 pkt $3200 sf20 sfC uTleafd aisyEngelmannia peristeniaAlso called Engelmann Daisy, this is a reliable plant during times of drought. It attractssparrows, painted buntings and finches, and grows in a wide variety of soils from Nebraska to Available in Sustain the Migration Kitsee p 60 Colorado to Mexico. We have witnessed turkeys and ladybugs nesting in our farm patch.perennialseeding ratebloom FebNovItem #1014 Rangeland 18 lb per acreC height 13 feetLawn & Garden 1 lb / 1200 sfA Soil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureB SandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeXwbMedium1 lb $491/4 lb $191 oz $11 1 pkt $3 300 sf75 sf20 sfOrder Onlinewww .seedsource .com65Leaf Identification: A) Tocalote - alien, B) Indian Blanket - native, C) Cutleaf Daisy - native"