b"D ams lopem ix u ppers lopew lw etlanDf i i Dflow e rr nge& D se rosIonC ontrolr a i .n fP lantInGt IPs ies loPes -P onds -b erms lD1. Chisel, rip, root plow, cultivate, till or otherwiseD ams lopem ix tM loosen the front, top and back of dam 2-4'' deep. Make only one pass running sideways on the contour with.implement. Use hand tiller if you can't handle a tractor. Do not run up and down the slope; unless using a dozerAfter years of watching hopeful pond constructionswith steel tracks. Leave surface rough, as clods will helpfollowed by dismal failures to establish vegetation,this disperse rain drops. Put duals on tractor for severe slopesmixture employs many hardy native grasses known to on slopes and detention basins. to stabilize the operation. Always think safety first! succeed the unique and often harsh environments found 2. Spread about an inch layer of black compost over theIf you are planting in Fall - Spring, add Cereal Rye Grainripped ground to help give seeds a boost. Lightly disc,(see p 70) at 50% of published rate. For example, if you only one pass on the contour running sideways.not up and down. Again, leave it rough.are planting one acre: use 100 lbs of Cereal Rye Grain with 20 lbs of the Dam Slope Mix.Also see upper slope wildflowers.3. Broadcast seeds. Use Dam Slope Mixover entire area. Add Wetland Fringe Mix & Drainfield Mix along the bottom 2 feet near the water's edge for color. IncludeUpper Slope Wildflowers 2ft above water line.Little Bluestem, Sand Dropseed, Blue Grama,Sand Lovegrass, Green Sprangletop, Prairie Wildrye,Virginia Wildrye, Sideoats Grama, Big Bluestem, 4. Do not let dozer leave cleat-mark lines up-n-downSlim Tridens, Tall Dropseed, Indiangrass, Buffalograss, that start eroding upon first rain, see ruts in photo. Cane Bluestem, Western Wheatgrass, Curly Mesquite, Keep dozer on site until the last passes are made goingTexas Cupgrass, Switchgrass, Florida Paspalum,up and down the slopes. Using this approach will leaveEastern Gamagrasscleat marks running with the contour.Cleats could be used to press seeds in the dozer imprints. Use of net- Dam Slope Mix Item #2808free Erosion Control Blankets will help stop erosion,Rangeland Seeding Rate 20 lbs / acre hold moisture, enhance germination and provide windLawn & Garden Seeding 1 lb / 850 sfprotection to seedlings. Pray for mild rains,1 lb $22 D-Pak $9 not frog stranglers. 150 sf 68 n aa M s eed 325 446 360068 n ativea MeeRRiiCCanans eed 800 728 4043tive"