b'f roStweedVerbesina virginica WILDFLOWERSExtremely beneficial plant for many butterflies. When you have shade, this plant is a great choice. Stem is winged. Frostweed gets its name because the moisture in the stem does amazing things! With the first hard freeze, the stems will split and exude a sap that expands and solidifies into a showy mass of ice.perennialseeding ratebloom AugNovRangeland 1 lb per acreheight 36 feetLawn & Garden 1 lb / 15,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShade w bMed-MoistItem #3062D-Pak $34 1 pkt $6400 sf20 sfg ayfeatHerLiatris mucronataAn important plant in the fall during butterfly and hummingbird migrations, this perennial sometimes requires two years before making a bloom. Strong roots grow down as deep as 16 feet, and will easily cling to any poor, infertile, well-drained soil. Often found growing on limestone bluffs and cuts. Also makes a good cut flower. perennialseeding ratebloom AugDecRangeland 4 lb per acreheight 13 feetLawn & Garden 1 lb / 4,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX wWell DrainedItem #1020D-Pak $29 1 pkt $3.29150 sf20 sfg ayfeatHer , B lazingS tarLiatris pycnostachyaWe found this perennial growing in thick stands on damp sandy clay near the Katy prairies. If you live in an area of sandy, well-drained soils and get frequent rainfall, youll want to plant this species rather than the Liatris mucronata. This one is adapted to 30-40 rainfall areas of Texas coastal bend, north thru the blacklands and open bottomlands of the Piney Woods.perennialseeding ratebloom AugDecRangeland 6 lb per acreheight 13 feetLawn & Garden 1 lb / 2,500 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX wMed-MoistItem #1030D-Pak $29 1 pkt $4200 sf20 sfg olden -w aveCoreopsis basalis Golden-Wave is a foundation plant in many wildflower meadows throughout central Texas. It is found on sandy and limestone soils of prairies and woodland openings. Abundant over much of the area from the eastern half of Texas west to New Mexico. annual seeding ratebloom: Apr - Jul Rangeland 3 lb per acreheight 8 - 16" Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 6,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX w b Well DrainedItem # 1809 1 lb $49D-Pak $17 1 pkt $5450 sf20 sfwww.seedsource.com31'