b'Texas Nature Conservancy Clymer Meadowp rairies tarter tMnative tallgrass mixSand Dropseed, Sand Lovegrass, Green Sprangletop, Sideoats Grama, Prairie Wildrye, Big Bluestem, Indiangrass, Buffalograss, Switchgrass, Blue Grama, Little Bluestem, Eastern GamagrassLess than 150 years ago, the great North American prairie stretched from Mexico to Canada. During the past five or six generations, 99% of the prairie has been consumed by 1) grazing, 2) farming and 3) urbanization. These three major influences on the prairie are intertwined. All classes of livestock find native prairie grasses to be highly palatable. Farmers enjoyed the benefit of fertile prairie soils. Ultimately, our cities and road systems have centered on the best prairie land. Today, less than .004% of the tallgrass prairie remains in Texas, the largest prairie state leading the nation in number of acres lost to land fragmentation.We know the native people before us, who lived on the land we call home, had 445 generations of experience living here. It is the grass, forming the foundation on which life depends, that gives us pure clean waters, clear blue skies and fertile organic soils. You can plant these native seeds and discover for yourself the benefits of prairie!Prairie Starter MixItem # 2021Rangeland Seeding Rate 12 lbs / acre HeightLawn & Garden Seeding 1 lb / 1,250 sf 1-5 feet250 sf / $9 d-pak 1-49 lbs $19 / lb 50-99 lbs $18.50 / lb 100+ lbs $18 / lb58n ativea MeRiCans eed 325 446 3600'