b't exaSy ellowS tar Lindheimera texana Texas Yellow Star begins flowering when 2 inches tall, and continues blooming while growing taller. In a cultivated flower beds weve seen it get up to 30" tall with hundreds of blooms. Beautiful dried seed heads!annual seeding ratebloom: Mar - Oct Rangeland 9 lb per acreheight 6 - 20" Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 1,750 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX wWell DrainedItem #3141D-Pak $24 1 pkt $5200 sf20 sfv elvetl eafS enna Cassia LindheimeriiEasily grown from seed, very effective in the wildflower garden, this species can even grow in a tiny fault in solid limestone. Its leaves are thick and gray and have a velvety texture. Yellow flowers are few to several in spikelike racemes. It is often used as a background specimen plant. A tea brewed from the leaves has a strong laxative effect.perennialseeding ratebloom AugOctRangeland 1 lb per acreheight 13\'Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 11,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX wDry-MediumItem #3151 D-Pak $171 pkt $6700 sf 20 sfw Hitep rairieC loverDalea candida var. candidaWhite Prairie Clover ranges from Canada to Mexico, and like its cousin Purple Prairie Clover is a legume that captures nitrogen from the air and stores it in nodules on the roots. Plant it with other legumes and short grasses on thin soils, or highly erodible land, to begin a healing process and rebuild soil fertility.Photo by Robert SloanLady Bird Johnson Wildflower Centerperennialseeding ratebloom JuneJulyRangleand 5 lb per acreheight 23 feetLawn & Garden 1 lb / 2,750 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX Well DrainedItem #10241 lb $34D-Pak $19 1 pkt $5300 sf20 sfw Hitep riCklyp oppyArgemone albiflora If you want to attract dove, this is the native plant to do it! Birds love the seeds just as much as the common sunflower. This plant offers early-season food supply. Blooms are big, 4-5 inches across. Be aware of the stickery fibers that protect the plant. A prolific annual that spreads easily, this is our native poppy.annual seeding ratebloom: Mar - July Rangeland 2 lb per acreheight 2 - 4\' Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 8,500 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX w b Well DrainedItem #31001 pkt $3.29 20 sf44n ativea MeRiCans eed 325 446 3600'