b'Those yards we planted wouldof New Mexico. Most lawns areTake Two starts in 2011, almost instantly come to life.irrigated, making it the largestExceptional drouth. Texas Vibrant butterflies and colorfulirrigated crop in the US. Threedriest year on record. Well, since birds and humming bees.times larger than all irrigated cornofficial weather records have in the country. Crazy, plumb crazy.been kept in Texas only since late Though we no longer do1800s, this may only be part true. landscaping, I owe heaps ofNewscasters and weathermen stillMy grandma was born in late gratitude to those early adopterbeat drums. Water still a pumping.1800s. Not very long ago. Not customers. For those folks back inThe big new lake is further andto be taken as an absolute unit of DFW, and all those we serve todayfarther away . pumping up andmeasure. Much is going unsaid across even bigger regions, we areover the ridgeline from anotherhere.so grateful for your interest in ourwatershed. People are still bathing work.and scrubbed cleaner than everTake Three starts here and now, before. Lions share of our water2022. Exceptional drouth again, We understood then what we stillin Texas still irrigating the greatworse than 2011. The newsman witness today, people and natureAmerican Lawn. says 1300 people a day moving to starving for native habitats toTexas. A business-friendly climate come back home. This is a hugeHave we gone plumb crazy? awaits. Still makes me wonder. deal. Water and wildlife are all tied together in a conservation webWhat is our role in all this?with native plants. We were on the outer fringes almost 40 years ago . little specks out in front yards of Dallas suburbs, all around Flower Mound and beyond.Bill Neiman, co-founderHere we are 42 years later.Native American SeedAccording to 2015 NASA satellite imagery, the great American Lawn now covers more than 40 millionAND THE DROUTH - LIKE A WAR - acres and is exponentially growingMADE A MAN TEST HIS WILL AND ENDURANCE. larger. That was 7 years ago, aTHOSE WHO FOUGHT THROUGH IT AND SURVIVED whopping 62,000 square miles.WERE UNLIKELY TO BE INTIMIDATED BY SMALL THINGS, A quarter of all Texas. Or a halfEVER AGAIN. Elmer Kelton, San Angelo author of The Time It Never Rained'