b'p lant ins pring - or -f allm ix tMAll Perennial WildflowersStanding Cypress Cutleaf Daisy Most popular perennial mix of colorful native White Prairie Clover Blue Flax flowers that can thrive in wide range of Purple Prairie Clover Butterfly Weed environments. Plant in Spring or Fall. For spring Purple Coneflower Showy Milkweed planters, several will bloom first year. All others, Lanceleaf Coreopsis Mealy Blue Sage roots will develop over a year with blooms the Black-eyed Susan Swamp Milkweed next. Wildflowers live and bloom year after year! Prairie Coneflower Winecup Perennial plants are notably tolerant of wildfire Pink Evening Primrose Gayfeather and are commonly found on prairies. Bergamot Pitcher SageGreenthread Blue Wild IndigoPlant-in-Spring or Fall Mix Item #1808Rangeland Seeding Rate 12 lbs / acreLawn & Garden Seeding 1 lb / 1,250 sf1 lb $55 D-pak $34 Pkt $3.29250 sf 20 sf 25'