b'courtesy of Larry Allain, USGS National Wetlands Research Centerp ineywooDsl ittleB luestem Item #2059Shade-tolerant. Thrives in acidic, well-drained sandy soils common to the Pineywoods. Adapted to annual rainfall of 35 to 60". Comprises the historic understory of mature pine forests and savannah grasslands. Plant this Little Bluestem in the Pineywoods to help restore habitat for many species of breeding birds including red-cockaded woodpeckers, pine warblers and bachman\'s sparrow. Individual plants vary from red-green to chalky blue.Dpak $12 / 200 sq ft1-49 lbs $24 / lb 50-99 lbs $23.40 / lb100+ lbs $22.75 / lbc entralt exasl ittleB luestem Item #2060Semi-shade tolerant. Adapted to oak woods and prairies of central Texas with annual rainfalls of 20 to 40". Plant this Little Bluestem in Blacklands, Edwards Plateau, Cross Timbers, Lost photo by Ed FairPines & Rolling Plains to help restore habitat for bobwhite quail, white-tailed deer, rio grande turkey, le conte\'s sprarrow. High genetic variability in this population produces divergent growth forms resulting in some individuals being shorter and some taller.Dpak $12 / 50 sq ft1-49 lbs $29 / lb50-99 lbs $28.25 / lb100+ lbs $27.50 / lbg ulfs tatesl ittleB luestemItem #2058Adapted to high rainfall up to 80" and high humidity. Historically found in wooded savannahs & open prairies from south Texas sand sheet to east coast. Most Southeastern US prairies have been lost to agriculture, timber and development. Excellent for those wishing to improve wildlife habitat and reclamation works. Highly productive forage type. Dpak $12 / 50 sq ft1-49 lbs $24 / lb 50-99 lbs $23.40 / lb100+ lbs $22.75 / lbBest used withSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeother diverse X w b Dry-MoistRangeland Seeding Rate 9 lbs / acrenative seeds! Height 2-3 feetLawn & Garden Seeding 1 lb / 1,750 sf Order Onlinewww.seedsource.com67'