b'i ndianB lanketGaillardia pulchella WILDFLOWERSThis is a favorite of folklore stories. It grows widely across the region from the gulf coastal beaches northward through Oklahoma and beyond. It is easy to grow in mixtures of spring-time wildflowers. Indian Blanket is rarely eaten by deer and has a special relationship with fireflies. State flower of Oklahoma.annual seeding ratebloom: May - July Rangeland 6 lb per acreheight 1 - 2\' Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 2,500 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX wWell DrainedItem #1005 1 lbD-pak $191 pkt $3.29$39200 sf20 sf 200 sf 20 sfl anCeleafC oreopSiSCoreopsis lanceolataEasy to establish and evergreen, Lanceleaf Coreopsis grows in a variety of conditions and soils including dappled sunlight at the edges of wooded areas. Whether you call it Tickseed depends on what part of the country youre from! Range is most of central,midwestern and southeastern US and northern New Mexico.perennialseeding ratebloom MayJulyRangeland 5 lb per acreheight 23 feetLawn & Garden 1 lb / 3,250 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX w b Well DrainedItem #30561 lb $24D-Pak $9 1 pkt $3.29250 sf20 sfl azyd aiSyAphanostephus sp.For early spring blooms, this short annual provides a sparkling white ray-like flower with a bright yellow center. Abundant in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, southern Mississippi, Alabama, and the panhandle of Florida.annual seeding ratebloom: Mar - Aug Rangeland 0.25 lb per acreheight 4 - 16" Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 65,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX wMediumItem #3064 1 pkt $3.2920 sfl emonm intMonarda citriodora This native annual grows from Missouri to Kansas to Mexico.Aromatic foliage makes this plant deer resistant. Citriodora is used as a natural insect repellent. Native Americans incorporated the use of its leaves for edible greens, seasoning, and an aromatic tea.annual seeding ratebloom: May - July Rangeland 1.5 lb per acreheight 1 - 3\' Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 11,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX wWell DrainedItem #10061 lb $59D-Pak $15 1 pkt $3.29250 sf20 sf700 sf20 sfOrder Onlinewww.seedsource.com33'