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Flora of North Central Texas

Item: #
6030 BOOK
Book Author:
Diggs, Lipscomb & O'Kennon

The most comprehensive guide on native plants to a large portion of the diverse plant life of Texas. This publication is the first of the Illustrated Texas Floras Project. A collaborative project of the Austin College Center for Environmental Studies and the Botanical Research Institute of Texas to produce illustrated floristic treatments designed to be useful to both botanical specialists and a more general audience. "A ground breaking book cataloging every plant ever known in North Central Texas is expected to become the bible for area college and university botany classes, plant researchers, poison control centers, gardeners and wildflower enthusiasts. The 8-pound book is off the presses after five years of intensive research, and compiles every type of tree, shrub, flower and grass known by scientists to grow or have grown in North Central Texas." - Fort Worth Star Telegram 1,626 pages.