Seed Grants for Texas
My heart found its home long ago in the beauty, mystery, order and disorder of the flowering earth.
— Lady Bird Johnson in a letter in Native Plants magazine, Fall 2002
Seed Grants provide recipients with a gift certificate between $100 to $500 to purchase native wildflower and/or grass seeds from Native American Seed.
Seed Grant Criteria
1. Grants are for Texas schools, nonprofits and other worthy educational or child-centered organizations.
2. Grant applications must to be approved by a school principal or supervisor (if another type of organization) before submitting.
3. The planting area should be at least 500 square feet (1,000 square feet is recommended). An average pound of wildflower mix easily covers 1,000 square feet. A $100.00 grant covers a pound of native wildflower seeds.
4. Only one seed grant application per location can be submitted in one calendar year.
5. Seed Grant recipients agree to submit a project report within one year of the date of
the award, including before and after pictures of the planting area. If the project involves elementary, middle or high school students, students should be included in the development of the report. If a report is not received, recipients will not be eligible to apply for another Seed Grant until a report has been received.