b'CONSERVANCY PKTS Robert was truly happy to find the work he really, really loved. It became a matter of satisfaction that he shared with his co-workers, friends and family. Robert Martinez 1956-2017Item #C ommonn ame All$6Help preserve, protect and propagate unique native species SunlightquantitieseaCh CoverS20Sq ftlimited Habit Blm HeightBloomSoil Type Sunlight Item #C ommonn ameHabit Blm HeightBloomSoil Type Botanical NameClr Time Sand Loam Clay Caliche Sun . ShadeBotanical NameClr Time Sand Loam Clay Caliche Sun . ShadeP igeonberry P Rd 1 - 2\'May-Octwbl r attleSnakem aSterP Wh 8 - 20"Apr-JulXw3119 Rivina humilis 3 149Eryngium yuccifolium r edC olumbineP inCuShiond aiSyP Rd 1 - 2\'Mar-MayX 3098 P Red1 - 2\'Mar-Maywbl3079 Gaillardia suavis Aquilegia canadensisitCher age 3073SCarletS age A R ed6 -30 M ay - O ctlP SP Ppl 2 - 3May-NovXw Salvia coccinea Xwb1025 Salvia azurea S hinyg oldenrod - pending harvestP lateaua galiniS TEMPO OUT w 3188 Solidago nitida Yw2 - 4\'Sep-Oct Xwbl3134 Agalinis edwardsiana A Pk1 - 3\'Aug-OctPS imPSon \' Sr oSinWeedP oSSumhaWh olly TEMPO OUT Xw 3121 Silphium gracile P Yw4 - 6\' Jul-Oct X 31 77Ilex deciduaPYw Sm.TreeFall Berries S nailSeedP rairiea galiniS TEMPO OUT Xw3129P Rd BerVineJul-Aug wbl1 008Cocculus carolinusAgalinis heterophyllaA Pk 18"Aug-NovS PiderWortP rairieg aillardia - pending harvest3123 PPp 12 - 18Apr-JuneXw bPRed22 - 28" May-JulX Tradescantia occidentalis 3 17 8 Gaillardia aestivalis t allg oldenrod Solidago nemoralis 3131 3160P rairieg oldenrodPYw 8 - 24 Sep-Oct X Solidago altissima PYw3 - 5Sep-Oct Xw 3086 t urk \' SC aP riaire ymPh SrbRed 2 - 3\'May-Nov XwblPn P Pp6-12"Mar-Maywbl Malvaviscus drummondii 3 1 76Herbertia lahue 3151v elvetl eaFS enna310 4 P rairieP aintbruSh P Pp6 - 18" Mar-May w Senna lindheimerianaPYw 3 - 6\' Aug-OctXwCastilleja purpurea X9602 W aFera Sh P rairieP arSleyBYw2 - 3\' Apr-June X Ptelea trifoliata TreeWht 10 - 15AprilXwbl3156 Polytaenia nuttalli P urPled alea TEMPO OUT PPpl4 - 12 Apr-May 3072 W ildh yaCinth P Bl 1 - 2\' Mar-MayXwb3185 Camassia scilloides Availabilities change on these hard to find, h ollecteDalea lasiatheraand cXd seedseatherF loWer TEMPO OUT 3050WP urPlel check our website for current offerings. Xwb indFloWerP Bl 4 - 16"Feb-AprX3167 PPpl Vine May-SeptAnemone berlandieriClematis pitcheri urPle ilkWeed ine3187 y elloWP uFFPmv PPpl Vine Apr-JuneXw PYw6 - 18" May-JunX3193 Matelea bifloraNeptunia lutea urPle ightShade PPpl1 - 2\' Apr-SepX3171 y elloWW ildi ndigo XPn PYw 1 - 3\' Apr-Jun 3140 Solanum elaeagnifolium Baptisia sphaerocarpa S CarletS age J iMSonW eed h ookerSe ryngo l iMeStoneg aura d evilSC laW Susan ProsperieP urPlen ightShade M orMont ea P rairien yMPh S nailSeed( vine ) a MeriCanB eautyBerryOrder Onlinewww.seedsource.com71'