b'Home is where we used to know; we all belonged. Children, still fresh and open-minded, can show us the way. In turn, dont we owe them a clear shot at a livable, thriving, future? Just imagine your place before these streets and houses got all lined out. Somewhere underneath the slab in the driveway is the memory of open land that stretched for miles. Home is still under there, waiting for us to take good care and better notice. Home, and all those beings that have come and gone before us. With so much chaos and instability lately, we still see crystal clear. Natives are still here. Natives are resilient. Given half a chance, native beings want to They are great worldly travelers, migrating crosssprout back up with passionate new life. One here, country season to season. They know. And they loveone there. Beings that multiply, adapt and grow. to tell stories of what theyre seeing over the span ofBeings that know the worst freeze in 100 years is their travels. no problem. Heck, 100 years is nothing to a native. Worst drouth on record, been there done that too.Let me warn you though, they dont mess aroundGonna hold tight and true to our mission helping much with words. I remember the time when I firstpeople restore (their resiliency and) the earth. This fell in love with a Vermillion Flycatcher. He was aland is your home. Yours and mine, hers and his. most beautiful bird. But ya know what his femaleAll living creatures want to come home. Banding mate said to me? If you want us flycatchers to betogether, forming like pockets of prairies and a few around your home, you gotta give us some flies tostrong trees out on an endless savanna, we strive to catch.belong to each other. photo by Rusty Ray'