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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Privacy

Native American Seed is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting any personally identifiable information that you share with us. We do not attempt to capture or solicit any personal information as part of your visit to this site.

How to Change Login / Password

When you order products or register on this site, future checkout addresses are automatically saved. No credit card information is kept on file.

The Information We Collect

When you order products or register on this site, we ask you to provide your name, email address, mailing address and billing address, day phone number and credit card information (when ordering products only) as well as to create a user name and password. This allows us to keep a "preferred customer profile" so that when you return to the site to make another purchase, this basic information is already stored and you do not have to enter it again. This information is stored in the most secure environment available today on the Internet, and only your name, address, email address and phone numbers are stored - not your credit card information. Your phone number is needed in the event that we need to ask you a question about your order, and will not be used for any other purpose nor will it ever be shared with any other company. Your Preferred Customer Profile is password-protected and available for you to make changes at the time of checkout.

The Information We Share

We use the information you provide for internal purposes such as confirming and tracking your order, and on rare occasions to send you information about new products, special sales or events. If you agree, we will also share your mailing address from time to time with organizations whose mission is similar to ours, and we think you might be interested in. We do not share email addresses or telephone numbers.

How to Contact Us

Should you have other questions or concerns about privacy policies and the security of your confidential data, please call us at (800) 728-4043 or send us an email at