Mix includes Buffalograss and Blue Grama -
Short turf grasses that can cut your maintenance in half!
Maximum height of grass is 5 - 8" if left unmown
No Extra watering once established
No fertilizer required
No diseases or pests
Natural beauty
All these benefits... why would you ever get on the Bermuda / St. Augustine monoculture treadmill? Give yourself a break!
Plant in full sun, spring to late summer. If you are ready to take action in fall, plant a cover crop of Cereal Rye Grain.
The calculations are done - we've increased the planting rates to give you a full native lawn in one season. You just measure the square footage of your lawn area. Round up to the nearest size offered.
Here is a great video about how the obsession with water guzzling, manicured lawns came to be and where we can go from here!