Conserve water, provide a welcome mat for pollinators, and enjoy the special beauty of these native grasses. The calculations are done—we've increased our recommended planting rates to give you a full native lawn in one season. You just measure the square footage of your lawn area, and round up to the nearest size offered.
This mix of Buffalograss and Blue Grama can help you cut way back on the time and resources you have to pour into maintaining your lawn—when you’d much rather be spending that time and energy just to hang out there and enjoy it! Both species are eco-logical, resilient and drought-resistant turf grasses.
Maximum height of grass is 5" - 8" if left unmown. No extra watering once established. No fertilizer required. No diseases or pests. Natural beauty.
Plant in full sun, spring to late summer.
Check out this informative and witty video about how the modern obsession with water-guzzling, manicured lawns came to be ... and where we can go from here.