These Asters are native to the Hill Country of Texas, and are generally found in moist soils. The flowers are 3/4 to 1 1/4 inches across. Masses of these purple blooms are really a sight to see in the fall! Like almost all of our fall blooming wildflowers, Tall Asters are a very important source of nectar for migrating Monarch butterflies. Get them established, and you and the butterflies will enjoy them for years to come!
Planting Guidelines for Live Roots
You'll receive roots that will make 15 or more plants. The roots, also called rhizomes, are undergound stems capable of producing new stems or plants at their nodes. Plant roots as soon as you receive them, then give a good deep watering for easy establishment.
You'll receive roots that will make 15 or more plants. The roots, also called rhizomes, are undergound stems capable of producing new stems or plants at their nodes. Plant roots as soon as you receive them, then give a good deep watering for easy establishment.