Rain Lilies make a small bulb deep in the ground. They are dormant most of the time, but pop up almost unexpectedly two or three days after good rains in the spring and early summer. The white, waxy blooms are a special treat after the long, hot summer. They begin to open slowly about dusk and are fully opened the next morning. Flowers are trumpet-shaped for a few hours after opening, but the 3 petals and 3 sepals, all white, spread widely to 2 inches across as they mature; they last only a day or two. The fragrant blossom is at the top of the single, unbranched stem, which is 5-9 inches high. The leaves are at the bottom, 6- 12 inches long and 1/4 inch wide. Plant them all over the yard, or in a restricted area. Be sure not to mow them down till they have set their seeds, so that they will multiply.
Rain Lily
Cooperia pedunculata
- Item: #
- 3094
6 in - 1 ft Height
|Blooms MAR - AUG
Soil Type
Soil Moisture
Medium Soil Moisture
Moist Soil
What's the Seeding Rate?
**LAWN & GARDEN: High density rate improves fill and establishment while reducing weed opportunity **OPEN SPACE: Economical rangeland density for larger acreage but requires longer establishment period
Lawn & Garden:
1 LB covers 14000 sq ft
Open Space:
1 LB per acre
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