Ecological Restoration
Promoting Responsible Land Stewardship

Neiman Environments, Inc. is the parent company of Native American Seed. We specialize in helping large landowners and developers
plan and execute environmentally responsible and economically sound restoration projects.
Increasingly, landowners and developers are required by law to submit environmental impact studies or to set aside portions
of land for conservation purposes. There are rules governing the treatment of wetlands, and requirements to accommodate the
needs of endangered or rare animal and plant species. Even where no government regulations might apply, there is a growing
demand arising out of the court of public opinion that companies have an obligation to take care of the environment and to
demonstrate responsible land stewardship. There are a growing number of individuals who understand that the most valuable
contribution they can make to protect the environment is to start in their own back yard.
Contact us to start restoring your land! 800.728.4043 |