b'Item #6089Bicycling with Butterflies$19Outdoor educator and field researcher Sara Dykman made history when she became the first person to bicycle alongside monarch butterflies on their storied annual migrationa round-trip adventure that included three countries and more than 10,000 miles. Equally remarkable, she did it solo, on a bike cobbled together from used parts.Upon my arrival the first time at the Native American Seed farm, I thanked Emily a 2nd generation farmer, the network that had connected us, and the monarchs that led me there. By going native, the farm team lets the plants tackle the hardest questions. Native plants, unlike non-natives, have adapted over millennia to survive the challenges of the land, without intervention. Texas natives can cope with the hot summers, the hungry herbivores, and the soil particular to Texas. They dont need pesticides, irrigation, or unnatural fertilizers. They work with nature, rather than against it. Their presence balances their ecosystem.The monarchs understand this. Native plants are the glue that holds their migration together. While other farms spray away the milkweed, Native American Seed embraces each plant and their monarch suitors. I saw more monarchs on a farm tour with Bill than I had in the two previous days of riding.Item #6069Range Plants of North Central Texas $39More than just another plant identification book. Good, relevant and practical information on values and management of each species. It is more of a manual or handbook rather than an ordinary field guide. Landowners will become especially fond of the book, which contains useful information about grazing value, wildlife value and management tips. Ricky Linex is a country-boy botanist and a skilled professional all wrapped up in one big package. He has made the study of plants his passion for the past 30 years. A genuine land steward will combine his knowledge of the land with an appreciation and respect for the land. This book helps to stimulate the reader to develop and deepen what Aldo Leopold called a land ethic.- Steve Nelle, San Angelo TX#9999 1 C aseP astC atalogs free (approx. 100) for artists & educators. Great Native American Seed field guide, color photos.#6083 n ativeh ostP lants for $30 Descriptive info on 101 native larval host t eXasB utterflies plants, photos of both the caterpillars and adult Weber, Weber & Wauer butterflies and more! 244 pp, softcover#6092 n ativeh ostP lants for $30 Moth species outnumber butterflies by about t eXasm oths fifteen to one! User-friendly, heavily illustrated, Jim & Lynne Weber companion book to Item#6083, softcover#6023 n ativet eXasg ardens $25 75 of the best native landscapes across Texas, Sally and Andy Wasowski residential & commercial. 185 pp, hardcover#6004 n ativet eXasP lants $59 Landscaping Region by Region. New 2nd Sally and Andy Wasowski Edition. 407 pp, softcover#6087 n aturesB estH ope $30 A new approach to conservation that starts in Douglas W. Tallamy your yard. Plant more natives!#6055 o terom esaP reserving $25 Documents with full-color images 1.2 million a mericasw iLdest acre landscape of remote Chihuahuan Desert g rassland grasslands.91 pp, softcoverGregory McNamee#6075 P lant aP oCket$19 Inspiring childrens book about the endangered ofP rairie prairie ecosystem and how we can help Phyllis Root, Betsy Bowen restore it, in our own backyards.#6068 P rairiew ildflowers $17 Color illustrations of prairie wildflowers found Debora Young in north Texas and beyond 116 pp, softcover#6048 r emarkaBleP lants oftX $30 Fully appreciate how Texas native plants have Matt Warnock Turner sustained people and animals for prehistoric times to the present. 320 pp, hardcover#6010 r equiem for a $17 Inspirational and humorous tales of transform-l awnmower ing a conventional landscape into a low-main-Sally & Andy Wasowski tenance native paradise. 211 pp, softcover#6054 r esilienCet hinking $32 How can landscapes & communities absorb Brian Walker & David Salt disturbance and maintain function? 94n ativEa mEricanS EEd 800 728 4043'