b'have dictated us to be exactly whoI guess it is time to re-think thenatures balance, and multi-species and where we areright now.words we use when talking aboutsurvival. The shift will be driven by My 50-plus years studying naturebecoming native to this place.ecosystem functionality and eco-flashed before me, always takingClearly, we have some work to dological based contributions. One by the hard road with no formalin this unique area of leadershipone, we can simply become givers education. My self-trained words,and social need. Decades of pastinstead of takers. speaking for Earth. Her water, soil,professional garden writers, stones, air, plants, and animalsprobably influenced by MadisonWe can learn new, responsible whose voices are seldom heard orAvenue campaigners, set us onways of seeing natural beauty. even allowed. I had no resonantthis downward spiraling path thatHistorically, Texas peoples have value for those two prominentis so firmly linked with conformity,long been known for their land doctors who oversee bringingconsumerism, social status.stewardship. With good leadership, future generations of life into being.We can change the current path.public models and examples Though I had spoken from theWe can re-write our own gardencan be constructed for people to heart, I could not be heard. stories of tomorrow.learn from. We have many good warm-season grasses sprout,flowers mature producing seed feeding more birds, Spring profuse growth. flowers produceSummer insects & small mammals, deep roots and taller nectar attracting all forms of insectplants as sponges holding moisture. green biomass life that feed songbirds exchanges pure oxygen for carbon dioxideYou and I can be the change. examples already within our Do these highly achieving,communities today. Just need successful people represent theWe need a new list of eco- to strengthen public service and societal and psychological barrierslogically descriptive words toeducation to deploy effective that are preventing us fromhelp us visualize how we mightoutreach and engagement. becoming native to this place?build a better world, right in our own front yard. We can gracefullyWe can reclaim the fading legacy Is my lawn the problem?shift priorities from peer-drivenof our ancestors. We can honor or am I the problem? aesthetics and socially acceptedand show gratitude for the people Embedded blind hate used innorms of artificial beautyto awho came before us.common garden linguistic semantics. place that honors the web of life,'