b'We want it to look like that(pointing) across the street.Undergrown Lawn creating ecological deserts, wasted drinking water, heat islands, little leaf surface to exhale oxygen, low biodiversity Just think, what a world this couldFor example, perty darn soonSome of us elders can easily be if instead of being fined for yourwe need to get a handle on ourpicture what it was like when we yard being overgrown futures water supply. Up to 70%were little kids. I grew up swimming our municipal public servantsof our clean municipal drinkingand fishing in Bachman Creek, worked to assist property ownerswater is being used up to irrigatethe creek that is now deep within with healing those outdated,conventional alien lawns. We cantthe heart of Big D Dallas, Texas. unsustainable, immaculately monokeep doing that much longer. AndClose your eyes for a minute and cultured lawns that are now beingwith increased heat in the cities,picture entire communities that undergrown.more dense plantings like tallgrassreconnect their local grasslands prairies could serve us well. and native prairies, their forests and wetlands. As it was before, it Our future survivalTodays conventionally landscapedcan be once again. Clean, cool, needs people to learn the infinitelyproperties that are seen asclear flowing streams providing critical and priceless eco-logicalpristinecould be taking stepsrefuge and respite for all its mutual functions that only occur withto shift their land into becomingcitizens. The web of life can be diversity of native plants.productive eco-logical assetswoven again and again, if we that contribute diversity and moresimply start learning to become Lets be fair to our childrens children.ecosystem functionality.native to this place we call home.If not now, then when?If not you, then who? Our short history of progressMoney, greed and blind hatefulness of garden linguistic semantics Quick Guide: How to Solve THE ProblemOMG, I planted a Pocket PrairieNow What? How-to native landscape maintenanceWho among us is behaviorally qualified to receive a restored environment?Haven, heaven, bliss, and reciprocity - all right there in my front yardNatures Best Hope is Bringing Nature HomeWith much gratitude, Bill Neiman, co-founder of Native American Seed'