b'Together with hands & heart,we support future migrationsUSGS National Wetlands Research Center forFRESH MILKWEED SEEDS PLANT NOW2025 MIGRATIONcourtesy of Larry Allain,A ntelopeH ornsare generally found on higher,a bundants avingsdrier, well-drained, even rockier soils along I-35 and westward.whileSee range maps below or our website for detail. G reenM ilkweedhistorically covered thes upplyl asts!monarchs flightpath, from Texas to Nebraska eastward to the p ineywoodsl ittleb luestem Item #2059Carolinas. Prefers full sun with loamy, dry to moist soils. Common in Blacklands, Cross Timbers and clay loams along and east of I-35.Shade-tolerant. Thrives in acidic, well-drained sandy soils common to the Pineywoods. Adapted to annual rainfall of 35 to 60". Comprises the historic understory of mature pine Both species thrive in many soil types, except deep sands or very wet soils.forests and savannah grasslands. Plant this Little Bluestem in the Pineywoods to help restore habitat for many species of breeding birds including red-cockaded woodpeckers, pine warblers and bachman\'s sparrow. Individual plants vary from red-green to chalky blue.Mother Nature plants these seeds and naturally stratifies them by Dpak $12 / 200 sq ft $27 / lbscattering into the summer winds. Lying upon the ground all winter, c entRalt exasl ittleb luestem Item #2060a passing buffalo may press it in just below the surface. You might have to help on this part. Sprouting occurs next spring. Semi-shade tolerant. Adapted to oak woods and prairies of central Texas with annual rainfalls of 20 to 40". Plant this Little Bluestem in Blacklands, Edwards Plateau, Cross Timbers, Lost photo by Ed FairFor other Milkweed information see pages 26, 31, 41, 43, 92-95.A. viridis USDA range mapPines & Rolling Plains to help restore habitat for bobwhite quail, white-tailed deer, rio grande turkey, le conte\'s sprarrow. High genetic variability in this population produces divergent G reenM ilkweed Asclepias viridisgrowth forms resulting in some individuals being shorter and some taller.Beautiful, intricate, satiny flowers with rounded lobed leaves. Matures with soft, fluffy seeds Dpak $14 / 200 sq ft emerging from pods in summer and fall. All milkweeds are required for continuation of g ulfs tatesl ittleb luestemItem #2058future life cycles and the survival of Monarch butterflies. $169 per lbAdapted to high rainfall up to 80" and high humidity. Historically found in wooded savannahs perennialseeding rate& open prairies from south Texas sand sheet to east coast. Most Southeastern US prairies bloom AprSepOpen Space 3 lbs per acrehave been lost to agriculture, timber and development. Excellent for those wishing to improve height 13\'Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 6,500 sfwildlife habitat and reclamation works. Highly productive forage type. Soil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureDpak $14 / 200 sq ft $29 / lbSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShade Dry-MediumBest used withSoil TypeX Sunlight Soil MoistureItem #3101 SandLoamClay CalicheFullPartialDappledShade1 lb $169 D-Pak $19 1 pkt $3.49150 sf10 sf other diverse X w b Dry-Moist 150 sf10 sfRangeland Seeding Rate 9 lbs / acrenative seeds! Height 2-3 feetLawn & Garden Seeding 1 lb / 1,750 sfOrder Onlinewww.seedsource.com9Order Onlinewww.seedsource.com9'