b"Corn Poppy Crimson CloverCornflower Asian JasmineBastard CabbageJohnsongrass Foxtail Millet100% native Dame's Rocket King Ranch BluestemSt Augustine Buffelgrass Blue PanicumCosmos BermudagrassCOMMON ALIEN SPECIESSt Augustine St AugustineBahiagrass African DaisyKleingrass ZoysiaTocaloteWilman LovegrassWeeping LovegrassAlien SpeciesNON-NATIVE b astaRdc abbageRapistrum rugosumFleshy, annual that blooms early with prolific seed production. Chokes out native wildflowers such as Bluebonnets. Flowers are yellow with 4 petals. Broadleaf, taproot that looks like a mustard plant. Chop before it flowers to prevent viable seed production. Plant thrives in disturbed areas. Bastard cabbage should be identifiable by its rosettes by late fall or early winter. Once identified, Bastard cabbage should be removed by Tomahawk hoe, ensure that root system is separated from lowest leaves. If time gets away and plants bloom and develop mature seeds, it will be necessary to put cut vegetation in a landfill. When plants are young, they are easier to hoe and the minimal biomass can lie on ground to decompose in place. Historically spreads through contaminated covercrop seeds. Seeds are similar in size to those of wheat and rye, weed seed screens can fail to remove it. Use caution when purchasing cool season cover crops. Non-native.S. Europe / W. Asia Height up to 5 ft Cool-Season Annual NON-NATIVE b eRmudagRassCynodon dactylonBermudagrass is among the most pervasive weeds. Reproduces via seeds and runners or stolons as well as rhizomes. Shallow but hardy root systems allow it to persist, even in areas where subsoil is compacted or in cracks of concrete. Frequent and short mowing as well as disturbances promotes bermudagrass to spread. It grows all over itself forming a tangled mat or thatch. Multiple treatments (hand digging, solarization) through multiple growing seasons are required to achieve control. During this process it is not advisable to attempt the establishment of natives in the treatment area. Cover crops should be used to stabilize soil and prevent erosion. If the infested area is sub irrigated or near waters edge, we have had low success in controlling bermudagrass. Like other warm-season grasses, Bermudagrass goes dormant in winter and will look brown but is still alive. Non-native. Africa Height up to 2 feetWarm-Season Perennial 86Learn MoreTexasInvasives.orgorPlants.USDA.gov"