b'd on \' tl etl andw asha way !Knowthedifferencesbetweenhydro-seedingandhydro-mulching. Native seeds really want to touch the earth. as in seed-to-soil contact. Ok, let\'s put the slightest amount of mulch in the tank for a marker only. Load a measure of seed to cover appropriate square footage of ground. Add a dose of compost tea, molasses or other bio-starter. But skip the fertilizer. Natives don\'t need it, don\'t want it. Hydro-seed until area is covered with proper seeding rate. Avoid or cut back use of tackifiers. Then cap the job with a hydro-mulch coating. Not too thick - 3/8" thick max. Pray for rain or turn on the water as with any seeding until established. MOST IMPORTANT!!!Before hydro-seeding natives, clean every crook l eaRn to become & cranny to remove every livin\' last bermuda seed from equipment, truck native to youR place bed,hosenozzles,floorboardandtreadsofyourshoes.Bermuda,an uncontrollable invasive grass, does not belong in native plantings.c eRealR yeg RainSecale cereale Plant Fall thru Spring Height 1-5 feetItem #8000 PLANTING RATES LbsVALUE Nurse Crop(light): Cover Crop(heavy): 1,000 sq ft.500 sq ftD-Pak $ 9 5,000 sq ft2,500 sq ft12 lbs. $19 10,000 sq ft 5,000 sq ft25 lbs. $39 20,000 sq ft .10,000 sq ft50 lbs.$1.47 / lb Two Acres One Acre200 lbs. Nurse Crop:If you need fast coverage on harsh soils, steep slopes or other difficultconditions,mixsmalleramountsofCerealRyeGraintohelpnurse native plantings. Rye grain easily spouts. Provides some growth even in difficult conditions. Helps create temporary life while slower to establish native species take time. Caution, do not over apply cereal rye grain with native seeds at full rates. Plant just enough to nurse the natives along. Wet mild winter seasons cause overgrowth, smothering native seedlings. Cut & remove excess growth early & often as required.without cutting spring wildflowers. Rye will burn out naturallywithearlysummertemperatures.Decayingbiomassmakesorganic matter and new soil. Cereal Rye will not return next year.Cover Crop: One-time temporary use, to hold and stabilize soil until permanent planting season arrives. Old time farmers used to cover crop their land in winter beforechemicalfertilizerscamealong.Producesdensefibrousrootscreating organic matter which feeds the soil. Roots hold soil and moisture in place. Readily sprouts in cool temperatures. Broadcast seed on prepared surface. Lightly till or drag to provide 1/4 - 1/2 covering of soil. Roll or pack to firmly make seed to soil contact. Seed will germinate with 1 rain or supplemental irrigation.In late winter / early spring, scalp the cover crop short to suppress spring growth. Rake and remove excess thatch to warm the soil with spring sunshine. No-till drill native seed mix directly into remaining rye stubble. Underground root mass continues providing erosion control. Withtop growth removed, permanent native seeds quickly sprout with rising soil temps and beneficial spring rains. OR plow/till the mown green cover crop (aka green manure) into soil to increase organic matter. Consider erosion controltechniquessuchasbio-degradablenet-freeerosionblanketstoprotect seedingprojects,enhancingestablishmentofnativeprairieplants.CerealRye Grain is non-native but is ecologically benign. Our seed is free of weeds such as Bastard Cabbage (p 86)70n ativEa mEricanS EEd 800 728 4043'