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Thunder Turf

Item: #

6" - 18" Height


Blooms Apr - Dec

Soil Type


Soil Moisture

Dry Soil Medium Soil Moisture Moist Soil




What's the Seeding Rate?

**LAWN & GARDEN: High density rate improves fill and establishment while reducing weed opportunity **OPEN SPACE: Economical rangeland density for larger acreage but requires longer establishment period

Lawn & Garden:

1 LB covers 340 sq ft

Open Space:

32 LB per acre

Select Size

$26.00 - $319.00

Mix of Buffalograss, Blue Grama and Curly Mesquite

Thunder Turf is a blend of three short-grass prairie species (Buffalograss, Blue Grama, & Curly Mesquite) that thrived throughout the arid and semi-arid Americas before Europeans settled the lands. Centuries later, many homeowners and land stewards are seeing the benefit of converting their high-input, nonnative turf grasses (Bermudagrass, Zoysia, St. Augustine) to a low-maintenance native blend the hearty buffalo once depended on.

This 3-species, resilient polyculture blend provides better fill than monoculture plantings across diverse growing conditions. Roots as deep as 6-8 ft. make this mix more drought tolerant than non-native turf grasses. It knows exactly how to live here … without any extra care once established. Great for lawns or shortgrass areas that get plenty of sun. Extremely drought resistant, does not require frequent mowing or additional fertilizers/pesticides, and provides an enjoyable outdoor living area.


Why is it called Thunder Turf?

When six million buffalo stampeded, the sound of their hooves blended into the rolling thunder. Rain was sure to follow... or was it wildfire from dry lightning strikes? When the rains did come, it brought green grass and life. These grasses that evolved in the harshest of climates will surely thrive where the people live now.

Research has estimated that 70% of our clean water is used on the lawn, 5% of total air pollution in the United States comes from gas-powered lawn equipment and 40%–60% of synthetic fertilizers end up in our surface and ground water. Converting your turf grass areas to Thunder Turf is one of the biggest positive environmental impacts you can make. Help protect our resources by committing to an eco-logical landscape today. Become native to your place.  


Watch this video to learn more about how the obsession with water guzzling, manicured lawns came to be and where we can go from here!