b"b ookS/ r eSourCeS All Texans benefit by valuing our local regions native plants. Native habitats and healthy ecosystems are essential to our quality of life and well-being of all living creatures. We envision a future where people actively manage all outdoor living spaces as critical green infrastructure. These beneficial natural assets are resilient and fully adaptable to residential and commercial developments. We can employ proven sustainable designs that provide and preserve native habitats, bringing vibrant ecological health to human built environments.More than 30 state NPSOT chapters across Texas are serving at the community level. They sponsor educational speakers, field trips, workshops, on such subjects as plant identification, propagation and landscaping. They volunteer and work in demonstration gardens and many other projects.Join & participate in local chapters: npsot.orgEnglish#7009E BiLinGuAL YArd SiGnS $29 Metal yard signs are 9 x 12 inches withor Grow nATive pLAnTS rounded corners and four mounting holes: Spanish#7009S Native Plant Society of Texas centered, 2 top, 2 bottom#6074 G ArdeninG forB uTTerfLieS $25 Create a garden that flutters with life. Join the The Xerces Society effort to conserve butterflies and moths, natures kaleidoscopes with wings.#6032 G rASSeS ofT eXAS $43 523 grass species. This ref book serves ranch-Frank W. Gould ers, land managers & naturalists. Ecoregion maps show distribution. 633 pp, softcover#6061 G uide ToT eXASG rASSeS $65 670 grass species - native, introduced and Robert B Shaw ornamental. color photos, drawings and description.1,080 pp, hardcover#6081 h iLLC ounTrYe CoLoGY $28 Seeks to teach readers about HIll Country Jim Stanley habitat, land, water, plants, animals, people NeW#6050 h iLLC ounTrY $20 Filled with advice that landowners can easily L andownersG uide absorb and implement on brush control, graz-Jim Stanley ing, overpopulation of deer, erosion, fire, exotic animals and plants +more176 pp, softcover#6057 h umminGBirdS ofT eXAS $20 Magnificent color photographs, descriptions, Shackelford, Lindsay & Klym range maps, and abundance graphs for each species. 326 pp, softcover#6034 k nowY ourG rASSeS $19 80 grasses with line drawings, spiral bound, a Barron Rector basic primer and field guide.#6021 L eGend ofB LueBonneT $10 Touching story of small girl's selflessness Tomie dePaola brought the bluebonnet into being.#6022 L eGend ofi ndiAn $10 This childrens book teaches lessons about p AinTBruSh Tome dePaola nature & about being human. Grown-ups too!#6022 L eSSonS fromL eopoLd $35 Learning from the Land takes 54 selections of NeW Steve Nelle with Iliana Pea writings relevant to current-day conservation issues including ecology, land ethics, conser-vation and land and wildlife management.#6052 L oneS TArw iLdfLowerS $30 A guide to Texas flowering plants offers easy Nieland & Finley ID through color grouping.#6059 m iLkweed , m onArChS& m ore $19 Field guide to the invertebrate community in Rae, Oberhauser, Quinn the milkweed patch. 76 pp, softcover#6014 m ediCinALw iLdp LAnTS of $25 Historical medicinal uses of 203 native prairie Thep rAirie Kelly Kindscher plants. 276 pp, softcover#6011 n aturaListsa ustin $38 A guide to the nearly 700 species of plants Lynn M. Weber & Jim Weber and animals native to the Central Texas regionOrder Onlinewww.seedsource.com9595"