b"a dd Morel ife& C olor to theW orld CONSERVANCY PKTS HORNED LIZARD All$6Help preserve, protect and propagate unique native species SunlightquantitieseaCh CoverS10-20Sq ftlimitedItem #cnHabit Blm HeightBloomSoil TypeHABITAT MIX Paul Pilch 3155A ommon Ame PRdSand Loam Clay Caliche Sun . ShadeBotanical NameClr Time mericAnP okeweed6-12'Jul-Oct wb 3 189 Phytolacca americanaB eArdtonguePenstemon laxiflorus PPk 1 - 2'Mar-JunX w B luem istflower3173 Conoclinium coelestinumP Bl1 - 3'Jul-Nov X wbl B luewoodc ondAliA 9604 ShrubWt6 - 10Mar-Oct X wCondalia hookerir edC oluMbiNe C ardiNalf loWer c AnAdAg oldenrod 3197 Solidago canadensis P Yw3 - 6 Sep-Nov XwGrows in poor soils Good for quail cf4,750 sf $249 / 1 lb 7,500 sf $59 / 1 lb3095 ArdinAl lower PRd1 - 4'Jul-Octwb Lobelia cardinalis X350 sf $39 D-Pak 1,750 sf $19 D-Pak d iAmondP etAlP rimrose 1012AYw 1 - 3' May-Junw Oenothera rhombipetala Xg oldenBAlll eAdtree 9603 Leucaena retusaTree Yl5 - 25 Jul-Nov X wb H AlBerdl eAfH iBiscus 3199 Hibiscus laevis PWt3 - 6 May-Nov X w 3190H ookerse ryngoP urPleN ightShade M arShe lder Eryngium hookeriAPpl1 - 2 Jul-Sep Xwl indHeimersi ndigo31 8 6 ShrubPk 3 - 6May-Aug wIndigofera lindheimeriana Xm ArsHe lder 1034AG to 8Jul-NovwIva annua Xm eAlyB lues Age102 7 PPp1 - 3Apr-Oct wSalvia farinacea Xm ountAinP inks305 5 APk6 - 1May-Jul wCentaurium beyrichii XP incusHiond Aisy 3079 Gaillardia suavisP Rd 1 - 2Mar-May XP itcHers AgeM ouNtaiNP iNkS b lueWoodC oNdalia( edible fruit ) 10 2 5 Salvia azureaP Pp 2 - 3May-NovXwP rAirien ymPHRichard W 3 17 6 P Pp6-12Mar-May wblHerbertia lahueP urPlec oneflowern Arrowl eAf1 5Echinacea angustifoli PPp1-3Mar-JulXw1 0 P urPlen igHtsHAde 3140 PPp1 - 2 Apr-SepXSolanum elaeagnifolium r Ainl ily 30 94P Wt6 - 12 Apr-May wCooperia pedunculata Xr edc olumBine 3098 P Red1 - 2Mar-MaywblAquilegia canadensisy elloWP rairief lax g oldeNballl eadtree s lenderm ountAinm int P Wt1 - 3Jun-Septw3216 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Xs nAilseedCarol Clark3129P Rd BerVineJul-Aug wbCocculus carolinus Xs Piderwort 3123P Pp6 - 1Jun-Jul blTradescantia occidentalis wt Allg oldenrod3131 P Yw 3 - 6Sep-Nov wSolidago altissimaX3086 t urksc AP SrbRed 2 - 3May-Nov XwblMalvaviscus drummondii y ellowP rAirief lAxS NailSeed P iNCuShioNd aiSy3084 AYw6-18Feb-SepX wLinum rigidum Elegant, bright blooms2,500 sf $39 D-Pak Availabilities change on hard to find, hand collected seeds Brenda Loveless Carol Clark~ check our website for current offerings.h alberdl eafh ibiSCuS t urkSC aPwww.seedsource.com 43 d iaMoNdP etalP riMroSe"