b"s piDerworTTradescantia occidentalisFound all across Texas, mostly in a prairie or open woodlands setting. It is usually upright, and can get quite tall where its happy. The blooms form in clusters at the tops of the stems, and open a few at a time for a long period of time. They can vary a lot in color, from pink to a very dark purple. Spiderwort does nicely in either a garden or a prairie meadow setting.perennialseeding ratebloom JunJulyRangeland 3 lbs per acreheight 6 - 1Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 5,500 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeItem #3123 X w b Dry - MediumD-Pak $341 pkt $6100 sf 10 sfs poTTeDB eeBalM Monarda punctataAttractive flowers and an unusual form make Spotted Beebalm worthy of inclusion in any native wildflower planting, not to mention it is easily propagated from seed. The light colored flower is sometimes spotted with purple. Pollinator favorite! Not grazed by cattle or browsed by deer and often forms extensive stands. Medicinal tea made from leaves.annualseeding ratebloom AprAugOpen Space 1 lb per acreheight 13'Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 20,000 sf Photo Bill FreiheitSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX Dry-MediumItem #3136 D-Pak $29 1 pkt $6 500 sf 20 sfs Tiffg olDenroD Oligoneuron rigidumThis deep-rooted native can be identified from other similar species because it is the only one with hairy stems. Great pollinator plant! Easy care and will do fine in all soil types, nutrient poor soil and acidic or neutral soil.Perennial seeding ratebloom AugOctOpen Space 0.5 lbs per acrePhoto by Leonardo Dasilvaheight 4 - 6Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 30,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX wDry-Moist D-Pak $29 1 pkt $6Item #3215 20 sf3,000 sfs TanDingC ypressIpomopsis rubraA spectacular red flowering biennial that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds in droves. It thrives in a wide range of soils from caliche to rich bottomlands, from North Carolina to Florida and across the south to Texas, and can grow up to five feet tall. May also bloom the second spring after planting.biennialseeding ratebloom MayJulyOpen Space 4 lb per acreheight 36Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 4,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX w b Well DrainedItem #3082 1 lb $129 D-pak $29 1 pkt $3.49 4,000 sf500 sf15 sf80n ativEa mEricanS EEd 800 728 4043"