b'S outheaStr eCoveryM ix tmNative seed mixture for sandy, neutral to slightly acid soils in the Bastrop Lost Pines, Oakwoods Prairie, Pineywoods and Gulf Coast Prairie eco-regions. Includes native seeds known to thrive in sandy areas east of IH 35. See for yourself, proof is in the pudding.In 2011, the catastrophic Lost Pines Wildfire wreaked havoc in the Bastrop region of Texas.After the devastation, a local landowner 2011 September - Tom Hausler midocumented healing of his landwith our ecosystem in a bagSoutheast Recovery Mix.41 B at e naAmazingly, the ancient red buffaloy s grevisited Toms place again in 2015. So T McE speciesNative Wildflowers & Grasses: 2012May - Tom HauslerLittle Bluestem, Broomsedge Bluestem,Sand Dropseed, Green Sprangletop, Tall Goldenrod, Black-Eyed Susan, Sand Lovegrass, Tall Dropseed, Plains Bristlegrass, Clasping Coneflower, Plains Coreopsis, Purple Prairie Clover, White Prairie Clover, Indian Blanket, Sideoats Grama, Little Bluestem - Pineywoods, Virginia Wildrye, Indiangrass, Big Bluestem, Hooded Windmill Grass, Lemon Mint, Red Lovegrass, Marsh Elder, Illinois Bundleflower, American Basketflower, Prairie Wildrye, Rattlesnake Master, Florida Paspalum, Common Sunflower, Maximilian Sunflower, Switchgrass, Partridge Pea, Gayfeather, Cane Bluestem, Texas Bluebonnet, Cowpen Daisy, Woolly Croton, Cutleaf Daisy, Prairie Verbena, Texas Cupgrass, Texas Yellow Star2017 January Tom Hausler2015 Tom HauslerSoutheast Recovery Mix Item #1817Open Space 9 lbs / acre 25+ lbs $46.23 / lbLawn & Garden10,000 sf$245 / 5 lbs 2,000 sf $ 49 / 1 lb600 sf $ 29 D-PakOrder Onlinewww.seedsource.com 21'