b'T hinking of scattering seeds around your place? Wondering which seeds belong? Native American Seed harvests and sells only the seeds native to the eco-regions on the centerfold map in this catalog. We do not offer any seeds from India, China, Peru, Germany or Chile. We encourage people to consider planting original prairie species. What could be better? Who could be smarter? Where could it be more sustainable?W hat iS aN ative ?Consider about how far can a buffalo run. digest very well. Some were laid out in little The ways of the buffalo can give us simple truths.piles on the ground by the banks of the Brazos. Try being yourself, the largest mammal remainingWe didnt know anything about bagged fertilizer on the continent. You might be found on the redback then, but those Black-Eyed Susan seeds earth bank of a river in Oklahoma. The nativereadily sprouted. You could hear the young sprouts meadow lay before you with lush prairie grassesmentioning to the old time residents that they felt making their nutritious seedheads. Sunflowersat home and looked familiar, as in family.and gayfeathers are bountiful. As you graze, the daytime heats up into an afternoon thunderstorm.We buffalo spoke among the Black-Eyed Bolts of lightening crash down by your side.Susan sprouts that autumn and then again to the Being very scared, all your family of brothers andflowers in the spring. The bees and the butterflies sisters, aunts, uncles, mom, dad and your greatwere buzzing around mixing up the pollen grains grandmother take to the hoof running. All run withof the new black-eyes with the old black-eyes you til dark and most end up in Texas aroundand all the neighbors got to know each other. Waco on the Brazos River. Others in the tribe ranAnd just maybe the slightest little chromosomes a different way and were never to be seen again. were exchanged, thanks to us and the bees. The newcomers from the Red River contributed a littleBeing the kind of day it was and the typestrength to protect from cold snaps that come of breakfast we had up on the Red River, wellalong with those blue northers. The Red River the truth of the matter is those seeds just didntblack-eye was accustomed to cold weather. And 48n ativEa mEricanS 800 728 4043 EEd'