b'C hoose aP ath ofs tewardshiPer camp 38N ativet railM ix y s t e m i n a BtM S a griv oX c tE species M This was my first timeO ur most nutritious blend of natives. It and I cannot tell youprovides habitat, nectar and food for the joy these little gemsmany creatures of the wild such as have brought us.songbirds and butterflies. The people Every week webefore us were a walking people. Many of our would see newpresent day roads originated from footpaths. beauty provided byIt may be as it once was, that we become a this incredible mix.walking people again. Have no trails? Any Standing on the path,parcel of land looking to become a wildflower you could hear themeadow will qualify. This offering comes hummmming of allcomplete with a sprinkling of native prairie the bees and birdsgrasses.visiting the banquet!Red Lovegrass, Lemon Mint, Clasping As new landowners,Coneflower, Standing Cypress, Plains we are very focusedCoreopsis, Sand Lovegrass, Black-Eyed onbeing goodSusan, Purple Prairie Clover, Indian Blanket, stewards of what hasGolden-Wave, Little Bluestem, Plains been entrusted to us -Bristlegrass, White Prairie Clover, Purple Native American SeedConeflower, Prairie Wildrye, Greenthread, has become my #1Hooded Windmill Grass, Sideoats Grama, resource.Virginia Wildrye, Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Cane Bluestem, Buffalograss, Green Sprangletop,CDK,Bush Sunflower, Blue Grama, Slim Tridens, Love my Native Trail MixTexas Bluebonnet, American Basketflower, Huisache Daisy, Prairie Coneflower, Mexican Hat, Purple Lovegrass, Prairie Verbena, Cutleaf Daisy, Texas Grama, Texas Cupgrass, Drummond Phlox, GayfeatherNative Trail MixItem #1811Rangeland Seeding Rate 8 lbs / acreLawn & Garden Seeding 1 lb / 3,500 sf1 lb $49 D-Pak $241 pkt $63,500 sf 1,000 sf 20 sf50+ lbs call for current value'