b'WILDFLOWERSP rairiev erBenaGlandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifidaThis low, trailing or creeping perennial is drought tolerant and long-blooming. Ranges throughout the Great Plains and portions of the Southwest. Masses of purple blooms and a sweet fragrance attract butterflies. It will also grow nicely in a pot - just dont use the potting soil that comes with extra fertilizers built in.perennialseeding ratebloom MarOctRangeland 3 lbs per acreheight 412 inchesLawn & Garden 1 lb / 5,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX wMediumItem #3067 1 lb $199D-Pak $34 1 pkt $3.29 500 sf40 sf 250 sf 10 sfP urPleC oneflowerEchinacea purpureaThis easy to grow native perennial is often used in garden landscapes, and is one of the very best plants to attract butterflies. Will last for a week or longer as a cut flower if you refresh the water regularly.can be planted in Spring or Fall.perennialseeding ratebloom AprMay Range 10 lb per acreheight 2 feetLawn & Garden 1 lb / 2,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX w b Well DrainedItem #10231 lb $37D-Pak $12 1 pkt $3.29 750 sf30 sf50+ lbs call for current value 250 sf15 sf P urPleP rairieC loverDalea purpurea var. purpureaNature has its own way of healing damaged lands, and this legume is but one of many. It is often found growing on severely eroded land or depleted soils, including rocky limestone and caliche. The seeds are an important food source for quail and other ground birds.perennialseeding ratebloom JuneJulyRangeland 6 lb per acreheight 13 feetLawn & Garden 1 lb / 3,500 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX Medium MoistItem #10211 lb $22D-Pak $12 1 pkt $650+ lbs call for current value 250 sf20 sf r aTTlesnakeM asTer Eryngium yuccifoliumThis unique plant is a botanical enigma. The leaves look like yucca, and the flowers appear to be from an alien planet. It\'s actually a member of the parsley family. The distinctive, waxy-green foliage lends the plant a bit of an unusual air, and the white \'spiky golf ball\' flowers are truly unique.perennialseeding ratebloom AprJulRangeland 6 lb per acrePhoto by Carol Clarkheight 1820"Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 3,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX wMedium-MoistItem #3149 1 lb $129D-Pak $241 pkt $6Order Onlinewww.seedsource.com250 sf 10 sf 39'