b'RECOVERYof the lands CorChede arth LANDS r eCoveryM ix tM IN NEED36i n a B ae m g T Aid in reducing erosion s t M and recovering land S y once covered in juniper / cedar / mesquite specieso c EPIPELINES Help jumpstart the healing of your land after stricken by drought, wildfire, cedar and right-of-way clearing. A diversity of native warm season, cool season, annuals, perennials, wildflowers and native grasses is useful in reducing erosion and providing wildlife habitat. Because of the large variety of native species, this mixDROUGHTcan be planted in spring or fall. Seeding rates are calculated to provide 40 live seeds per square foot. After heavy rains, soil erosion may produce devastating long term impacts to river basins and the sustainability of the land resource. Assembled to address steep, rocky hills west of IH 35. Native Wildflowers & Grasses:CLEARINGSand Dropseed, Tall Dropseed, Sand Lovegrass, Plains Coreopsis, Purple Prairie Clover, Plains Bristlegrass, Green Sprangletop, Lemon Mint, Little Bluestem, Prairie Wildrye, Sideoats Grama, Indian Blanket, White Prairie Clover, Virginia Wildrye, Illinois Bundleflower, Cane Bluestem, Slim Tridens, Indiangrass, Partridge Pea, Switchgrass, Hooded Windmill Grass, Buffalograss, Red Lovegrass, Common Sunflower, Prairie Verbena, American Basketflower, Texas Yellow Star,WILDFIRECurly Mesquite, Texas Cupgrass, Cutleaf Daisy, Arizona Cottontop, Huisache Daisy, Texas Bluebonnet, Purple Three Awn, White Rosinweed, GayfeatherScorched Earth Recovery Mix Item #1816Rangeland Seeding Rate 12 lbs / acreLawn & Garden Seeding 1 lb / 1,500 sf TRANSMISSION 400 sf / $24 d-pak $37 / lb50+ lbs call for current value RIGHT-OF-WAY62n ativea MeRiCans eed 800 728 4043'