b'RiparianRecovery Mix TMEcoSystem in a Bagphoto by Paul PilchAid for Rebuilding Stream Bank Buffer ZonesTexasaloneishometomorethan 3,700-streams&15majorrivers.Totaling Eastern Gamagrass 191,000-miles, riparian areas are essential in storing and protecting water quality, preventing erosion,andprovidingnutrientsandhabitat for fish, fireflies and wildlife. Our actions can sustain healthy, vibrant natural riparian areas for all to enjoy now and in the future.Often, the best thing you can do for stream banks is leave them alone. Heavy equipment compactssoil,makingrecoverydifficult. Cleared, manicured turf lawns are extremely low stabilizer plant communities offering littleYour Remarkable Riparian BookSetTexas Bluebells soil protection or water filtration. After flooding, leave downed trees and drift in place whereItem #6073 $45practical. Big Bluestem, Indiangrass, Plains Bristlegrass, Partridge Pea, Native, deep-rooted, diverse plant communitiesIllinois Bundleflower, Cane Bluestem, Pink Evening Primrose, work together with big dead wood, limbs andSwitchgrass, Broomsedge Bluestem, Maximilian Sunflower, Slim debris to help dissipate floodwater energy, filterTridens, Inland Seaoats, Cardinal Flower, Canada Goldenrod, and trap sediment, and stabilize soil and plantSwamp Milkweed, Marsh Elder, Texas Cupgrass, Black-Eyed recovery.RegenerationcanoccurnaturallySusan, Sand Dropseed, Clasping Coneflower, Virginia Wildrye, inriparianareas,especiallywhereexistingPlains Coreopsis, Green Sprangletop, Tall Dropseed, Lemon Mint, healthy uplands are in place.Alkali Sacaton, Sideoats Grama, Prairie Wildrye, Texas Bluebells, Swamp Sunflower, Frostweed, Eastern Gamagrass, Florida Maximilian Sunflower Free Download: Managing Riparian AreasPaspalumRemarkableRiparian.orgRiparian Recovery Mix Item #4506Rangeland Seeding Rate 12 lbs / acreLawn & Garden Seeding Rate 1 lb / 1,250 sf3 lbs $111 1 lb $37 D-pak $19 3,750 sf 1,250 sf 250 sf Not all plants are created equal. Switchgrass Communities of specialized native grasses & plants grow healthy, functional riparian areas.Order Onlinewww.seedsource.com47'