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b"WILDFLOWERSs leePyd aisy Xanthisma texanumSometimes called Star of Texas. This hardy compact lemon-yellow wildflower puts on a show in the hot afternoon! Native to dry, open rangelands and stream banks from Mexico up to Oklahoma and western 2/3 of Texas to New Mexico and southeastern Arizona. Photo by William Freiheit LLELAAnnual seeding ratebloom AprNovRangeland 2 lbs per acreheight 1 - 3 feetLawn & Garden 1 lb / 10,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX wDry-MediumItem #3203D-Pak $241 pkt $6100 sf 10 sfs MooTHw HiTeP ensTeMon Penstemon digitalisTubular white-pink flowers that bloom in pairs and appear right as the weather begins to heat up end of May through July. Our native bees, especially the Long Tongue Bees & Bumble Bees love the large flowers. Hummingbirds and butterflies also benefit from its sweet nectar. Penstemons get the name beard tongue from the tuft of hairs on the sterile stamen.Perennial seeding ratebloom MayJulyRangeland 0.5 lb per acrePhoto by Joshua Mayerheight 2 - 4 feetLawn & Garden 1 lb / 30,000 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX wDry-MoistItem #3214 1 lb $199 D-Pak $241 pkt $61,500 sf 30 sfs PiderworTTradescantia occidentalisFound all across Texas, mostly in a prairie or open woodlands setting. It is usually upright, and can get quite tall where its happy. The blooms form in clusters at the tops of the stems, and open a few at a time for a long period of time. They can vary a lot in color, from pink to a very dark purple. Spiderwort does nicely in either a garden or a prairie meadow setting.perennialseeding ratebloom AprJunRangeland 3 lbs per acreheight 12-18 inchesLawn & Garden 1 lb / 5,500 sfSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeItem #3123 X w b Medium-Moist 1 pkt $6 10 sfs PoTTedB eeBalM Monarda punctataAttractive flowers and an unusual form make Spotted Beebalm worthy of inclusion in any native wildflower planting, not to mention it is easily propagated from seed. The light colored flower is sometimes spotted with purple. Pollinator favorite! Not grazed by cattle or browsed by deer and often forms extensive stands. Medicinal tea made from leaves.annualseeding ratebloom MayAugRangeland 1 lb per acreheight 13'Lawn & Garden 1 lb / 20,000 sf Photo Bill FreiheitSoil TypeSunlightSoil MoistureSandLoamClayCalicheFullPartialDappledShadeX Dry-MediumItem #31361 pkt $6 20 sfOrder Onlinewww.seedsource.com77"