b'Different leafs show me how to seemake sweet honey for my grandma winecups and Indian blankets andand me to put on our warm biscuits some weeds. You want to look withand corn breads. Uhmmm so good.me? You can see the difference, mulberry and trumpet vine. See?I dont know why, so I always ask. Look closely at these leafs. Everyday, I want to know. Thats why Im learning. My pop thinks Its easy. You can really really seeIm innocent and curious. I want flowers in the field, but sometimesto stay breathing. Every time Im they roll up. I have to look and seebreathing a lot in these fields. Why inside there. Do you see that pollenis there so much ancient wisdom powder? Yellow pollen powderout here? You are big. Why?makes food for bees. I see them everywhere out here, even on theInstantly knowing is for me. grass too. Look. They dont biteEverything is new. My mam and me, Im a friend. The flowery beespop and grandma already know.'