b'In 1973, Richard Hensley loaned Bill a shovel and rake that got our landscape and nursery company started. Richard loved building community and believed in giving others a hand up in life. He gave of himself wherever he was, whenever he could. He believed in the spirit of community and serving those in need. 1938 - 2014 a DD Morel ife& C olor to tHew orlDItem #C ommonn ame Seed SunlightItem #C ommonn ameHabit Blm HeightBloomSoil Type Sunlight Habit Blm HeightBloomSoil Type Botanical Name Count Clr Time Sand Loam Clay Caliche Sun . ShadeBotanical NameClr Time Sand Loam Clay Caliche Sun . Shadea meriCanb eautyberry F our -W ingS altbuSh3 05 1P Pp 3 - 4\'May-Jul wb 20Shrub Yw3 - 8Apr-OctwCallicarpa americana 3 9 Atriplex canescens a meriCanP okeWeed F roStWeed 18 9Phytolacca americana Verbesina virginica 3 PRd 6-12\'Jul-Oct wb3062P Wt3 - 6\'Aug-Nov wb3065 b arbara \' Sb uttonS g oldend alea TEMPO OUT P W t8 - 18"Apr-Jun Xw3057XMarshallia caespitosaDalea aureaPYw 1 - 2Jun-Jul3155b eardtongue g reenl ilyPenstemon laxiflorus PPk 1 - 2\'Mar-JunX w 3154 Schoenocaulon texanum Xw PGr 1 - 2\'Apr-May3111 b ergamot g ulFC oaStP enStemon TEMPO OUT PPp 1 - 3\'May-Julwb3114P P18"Mar-MayXwbMonardafistulosa X Penstemon tenuis b luem iStFloWer3190h ooker \' Se ryngo 3173P Bl1 - 3\'Jul-NovX wbAPpl1 - 2\' Jul-SepXwConoclinium coelestinum Eryngium hookeri b uFFalog ourd J imSonW eed 3161 PYwvineMay-Sep X w3063P Wt 2 - 3\'Apr-OctCucurbita foetidissima Datura inoxia XC ardinalF loWer l imeStoneg aura 3095 PRd1 - 4\'Jul-Octwb 3096 P Rd1 - 2\' May-JunLobelia cardinalis X Gaura calcicola XC oWPend aiSy - special harvest offers $3 packets, see page 65 l indheimer \' Si ndigo 3054 Verbesina encelioidesA Yw1- 4\'Apr-Oct Xwb3186Indigofera lindheimerianaShrubPk 1 - 5\'May-Aug Xw C roWP oiSon TEMPO OUT l yre -l eaFS age 3150 PWt 4 - 12"Sprg,Fall3157 P Bl 1 - 2\'Mar-JunXw bNothoscordum bivalve X Salvia lyrata C utleaFe veningP rimroSe m arShe lder - good for quail 3137 Oenothera laciniata AYw 2 - 10"Mar-Oct X w1034Iva annua AG to 8\'Jul-Nov X wd evilSC laW A Pp1 - 2\' Jun-Sep Xm ealyb lueS agePPpl1 - 3Apr-Nov w3145 Proboscidea louisianica 10 27 Salvia farinacea X 1012 d iamondP etalP rimroSeAYw 1 - 3\' May-Junw3 m ormont ea ShrubG to 3\'Mar-May w Oenothera rhombipetala X153Ephedra antisyphyliticaX 3059 d rummondP hlox A Pink6-18 Mar-JunXw b m ountainP inkSAPk4 - 12"May-Jul w Phlox drummondii30 55Centaurium beyrichii Xryngo P aSSionFloWer TEMPO OUT 1017e 3087 P Ppl VineMay-AugXwbEryngium leavenworthiiAPp 2- 3\' Aug-Nov Xw Native American Seed is grateful to continue offering these seeds,Passiflora incarnata hand collected by friends & family who deeply care for their survival. Carol ClarkD ruMMonDp Hlox B lueM istflower f rostweeD M ountainp inks w afera sHCarol Clarky ellowp uff B lueC urls M ealyB lues aGe t urk \' sC ap p urpleM ilkweeDv ine32n ativea MeRiCans eed'